Health & Wellness

The Foot Clinic
This is one of our most popular programs. Registered nurses from Foot Care by Nurses come to the Senior Center usually twice a month (see Calendar and Newsletter for exact dates). Each appointment takes up to 30 minutes and includes nail clipping, callous removal and foot massage. First time users of this service will have a 45 minute session. Cost per session is $45.00 ($35.00 for Ashfield, Buckland and Shelburne seniors thanks to gifts to the Senior Center). Call the Senior Center at 625-2502 for appointments. For home visits, call 413-367-8369.
Walk-In Wellness (aka "Ask the Nurse)
Available the fourth Tuesday of every month from 10:30 AM to Noon. Regional Public Health Nurses Lisa White, RN, or Meg Ryan are available for one-on-one health counseling. The nurse can provide information, take your blood pressure, check your blood glucose, collect mercury thermometers and needles, and supply you with a safe collection box. This service is provided through Buckland and Shelburne’s membership in the Cooperative Public Health Service district based at Franklin Regional Council of Governments. For more information, call Nurse Lisa White at 413-665-1400, ext. 114
Tai Chi
Tai Chi for Arthritis and Balance is held Tuesdays atnd Thursdays at The Senior Center at 9:00 a.m.; limit 10 people. The regular practice of tai chi helps relieve joint pain, muscle stiffness, and reduces high blood pressure, among other effects. These classes are ongoing and newcomers are always welcome.
Classes are led by Beth Bascom, $20.00 per month payable to Beth Bascom.
Healthy Bones and Balance Class
Wednesdays, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM at the Center and Thursdays 10-11 in Ashfield
RSVP, the volunteer connector for people 55 and over in the Pioneer Valley, sponsor a self-paced, low impact, one-hour exercise class to promote healthy bones and balance. It is an ongoing program, led by instructors trained by RSVP. Exercises can be done sitting or standing and the classes are free thanks to our volunteers. Donations from non-members are welcome.
Gentle Yoga
Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m. Classes are led by Louise L. $20/month for everyone. Call the Center to pre-register.
Activities Calendar
HOLIDAY - Center Closed
Mon, Feb 17, 2025, All Day
Posted to: General Events
Secrets for Longer Living Part IV
Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 10:30 am
Posted to: General Events
Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 1:00 pm
Posted to: General Events